Sustainable products for you to make it a better world
In February 2022, The Acequia Institute purchased the R&R Market in San Luis, Colorado with the vision to turn the market into a community food co-operative. Our goal is to complete the conversion to a co-operative grocery and agricultural workshop and production center by the end of 2023. The historic 1857 market will house Molino (milling) operations, a USDA certified kitchen for local value-added processing and cooking classes, a milpa hardware section, and a workshop and performance space with a gallery of local arts and crafts. To reach the San Luis Peoples Market please call (719) 672-3346.
Our services
Deli & Cafe at the annex opens in november
We have a deli with great local foods along with cafe seating at the San Luis Peoples Market Annex, 303 Vega Street in San classes
At the Annex we host cooking classes for SNAP, pay for your online orders use this link.
As a Co-Op we will source products from local farmers statewide.
The San Luis Peoples Market, formerly R&R Market, is part of the San Luis Food Sovereignty Initiative. We are reorganizing the Market as a community food cooperative during 2024.
Some of Our Dedicated Staff with Ms. Amy Duggan, Colorado Health Foundation (right)
and we're about to be a co-op
Meet Indigenous Chef , Claudia Serrato, one of six featured chefs who participated in the Indigenizing SNAP Nutrition Education Pilot Project this past Fall 2023. Dr. Serrato was just elected to the Board of Directors of The Acequia Institute.
Executive project director Dr. Devon Peña's contact info
(206) 228-4876
questions about co-ops? here are some resources.
Click on the link to view each document.
We are excited to share some important news with you ...
Here are some common frequently asked questions about Co-Ops.
Find many Co-Op benefits here.
Mobilize farmers to transition back to polyculture milpas to supply Molino operation with non-GMO organic heirloom corn. Companion plants bolita bean, calabaza, habas, and brassicas for the Market Co-op.
OUR work at the market
milpa farming in san luis
Rainbow appears over the mountains surrounding San Luis with corn and cabbage in foreground.
fall pumpkins and lettuce
Fall harvest ready to get underway.
news & announcements on facebook
So let's do it. Let's talk about the co-op market
To learn more about our work or for information on becoming a
member of the co-op, get in touch today.